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My Events

Genius Kids events will be posted here by various franchisees and managers. This page will keep you informed about Genius Kids programs and functions.

Genius Kids Weekly Radio Show

March 5, 2016 @ 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Venue : Genius Kids On Air KLOK 1170 AM Radio Station Bay Area or, Fremont, California, 94538, United States
Tune in every Saturday and listen to Genius Kids On Air Radio Show. Listen to guests share their events and ideas. Mingle and enjoy Genius Kids from different campuses share their views. To partake in the show please email Topic for the week: Are aliens for real?

Genius Kids Annual Spring Fest 2016

March 5, 2016 @ 1:15 PM - 4:00 PM
Venue : Ohlone College Gary Smith Center, Fremont, California, 94539, United States
Annual Genius Kids Musical Spring Fest . Theme - Unity and Peace A ticketed event

Parent’s Testimonials

"SHE BELIEVES IN BUILDING SELF ESTEEM IN EVERY CHILD - "Rennu has been a good friend of mine for many years. I was most impressed by her character and style when she asked me to judge a public speaking contest she had for children of various ages. Youngest was 3!! She put together this event on a Sunday, I asked her as to why she is taking upon an event which in no way benefits her personally. Her reply was to build self esteem and confidence in the kids so that they will not have fear of public speaking in there lifes and careers down the road. The biggest fear one has besides sickness and death is public speaking for Rennu to start kids so early is training them when they are open to learning. This had a huge impact on me, she is passionate about what she does and has a great vision for the kids in her school." "
Rekha Gupta, San Jose CA
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My Ideas

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5 Homemade Toddler Arts and Crafts

Sharing a few arts and crafts ideas we implemented with our toddler.  (1) Mom a...

Self Esteem Using Limit Settings

As parents we need to spend time on building the self esteem of our children and not ass...

How to Reduce TV Time

According to Kaiser Family Foundation, 2/3 of infants and toddlers watch an average of 2 h...
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